Vallée de la Roanne

Vallée de la Roanne is a beautiful valley in which the river Roanne flows. This river rises in the middle of Provence and flows down into the Drôme river.


It is a wonderful river to walk through and to take a refreshing swim. Because of the many large rocks there are some natural waterfalls and deep pools. The water is incredibly clear and the blue color is amazing. I have never been to a river where the water was so beautiful as in the Vallée de la Roanne.




The rocks are a bit slippery here and there, but I thought it would be worse. Do take good water shoes, because you never know what lies on the bottom of the river, since it is quite touristy. In addition, the stones can be somewhat sharp.




The river also has beautiful butterflies, including the sail swallowtail. And besides the butterflies we also met this friendly fellow you’ll see on the photo below. He doesn’t do anything at all but probably just wants a bit of food 😉




You can reach the river from Saillans, but I would advise you to drive a little further and find a nice spot between Saint-Benoit-en-Dios and Saint-Nazaire-Le-Désert. finding a parking space won’t be difficult, places have been created everywhere along the road where you can park your car. 


What to do in the area

Do check my full destination page of the Drôme region to see what there is to do in the area of the Vallée de la Roanne.



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